Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 5- Tokyo --> Bangkok

Made it to Bangkok by the skin of my teeth (i never understood that saying)... As I mentioned before, there is exactly 1 flight from Tokyo to Bangkok, and today was my day. I thought for sure i was going to have to stay another night in Narita which is a town right by the airport (the new Tokyo airport is like DIA, a bit out of the way and Narita is like Commerce City). And I thought one more night was going to turn into 3 because tomorrow and the next day are weekends and have a busier travel schedule and I might not get out til monday. I was a little worried because Japan is expensive by travelers standards. This morning I paid around 20 bucks for the hotel breakfast buffet, and I didn't value it quite that high haha. So im glad to be on to my next stop. Airport personnel wouldn't let me through security at first because it creates more work for them to let me into the gate and then escort me back out through customs if I didn't make the flight. So Ted from Fairbanks, Alaska (whom also missed the flight last night) and I had to wait by the ticket counter til the last second. I was standby passenger 13 and Ted was 15 meaning that 13 seats had to be open for me to fly and 15 had to be open for him. There were 12 open seats with one person yet to check in for a flight... that was lucky number 13. When they didn't show up with 20 minutes left before the departure they gave me the seat. I said farewell to Ted and then the time trail was on for security, immigrations and making it to the gate. Of course I made it... But running around the airport as a gigantor with 35 pounds of luggage is probably a funny sight to be seen. The flight was 6 ish hours and I scored another emergency exit seat... so clutch. So here I am, sitting in the lobby of an airport hostel in Bangkok, Thailand. It's currently 1:15 AM and I'm about to get some shut eye. Pretty stoked for tomorrow.

Double D


  1. Haha - 6ft 3in Dave dashing through the airport with your fully loaded backpack! I can picture it - a scene worthy of 'Amazing Race'!!! I am looking forward to hearing about(and seeing) your impressions of Bangkok. Bangkok! Just the name sounds so exotic!!!

  2. Hey bro! its me Mr. Anonymous....that will change once I learn how to change the profile to something it likes!!!! You da man T.Boy I have loved the technovisits and video. Mom must have watched the video twenty times. Mr. Berry and Mrs. Petri are becoming faithful followers. I am very proud of you and I have truly enjoyed the video montage.....almost seems like you are traveling with a buddy. Make sure to tell the King of Siam hello etc. etc. etc......sorry bad play on words! Mom is have jumped into light speed for exotic...just be safe and be careful. Love you man!

  3. David:

    Just trying to figure out how to post here. More later.

    Auntie Laura
